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Purifying Facial (for teens)

Nearly all teenagers will experience breakouts at some point! We have all been there and know how frustrating it is. Many teenagers make the mistake of using many products they see advertised to treat spots but sometimes these products can aggravate the concern in the long term. This is where consulting with a professional skin therapist can be invaluable to discuss their skin concerns and how to get results with their products.

This is a fantastic deep cleansing treatment to help clear a teenagers skin while also providing education on how best to treat their skin! Parents are more than welcome to come along too.

The facial commences with a deep cleanse, sonic plate sound vibration are then carried out to gentle exfoliate the skin and lift any debris using the ibeauty devise. Ultrasound technologies are then used to drain and restore perfect balance to the complexion. The skin is healthier and brighter from the very first session.

Purifying facials (for teens) is perfect for both teenage boys and girls.

Our Purifying facial will:;-

  • Deeply cleanse the skin, (especially good for makeup & oil build up).
  • Help renew skin cells by increasing circulation
  • Help with congested skin/ blackheads/spots.
  • Leave your skin looking fresh and healthy.
  • Give you expert advise on how to best look after our skin at home.

"The skin is healthier and brighter from the first session."

Purifying facial  "For Teen"- £42
The Purifying Facial treatment costs just £42 per session.