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Rejuvenated Female Hormone Support


Female Hormone support is a multi-functional supplement designed to support women through the reproductive years. The formula contains natural plant extracts and specialised herbs. It has been carefully crafted to alleviate the symptoms of PMS, the perimenopause and menopause.

It works to create hormonal harmony and supports the female reproductive health and function while helping to calm stress and mood swings.


Female Hormone Support Overview

Female Hormone Support is a multi-functional supplement

containing natural bio-active nutrients, antioxidants and specialised herbs to promote hormonal health.

The plant-based formula is designed to support the reproductive system and alleviate symptoms of the perimenopause, menopause and PMS. Female Hormone Support has been carefully created to nurture women throughout the years.

The supplement contains hemp extract, alfalfa and red clover to support healthy oestrogen levels. Pfaffia and black cohosh help to manage hormonal imbalances.

A fusion of calming herbs including schizandra berry, reishi mushroom and hops reduce hot flashes, mood swings, stress and irritability. The soothing blend also helps to promote a more restful sleep and alleviate menstrual cramps.

This supplement will help to bring the female hormones into harmony whether it is PMS, and heavy periods, the perimenopause and menopause years. Recently there has generally been a push by the medical profession for women to use Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). However, we have found that many women do not want to take HRT and are looking for natural support. Female Hormone Support will help to alleviate symptoms but may not be the answer for everyone.

For clients that have slight PMS, we recommend that they try this product in the week to 10 days prior to their period. Those who have more pronounced symptoms may want to take Female Hormone Support for a longer period throughout the month. Those going through the perimenopause and menopause may want to take it on a continual basis. The important fact is that the client should respond to their individual needs.


Do not take this product if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, take Hormone Replacement Therapy or suffer from polycystic ovaries, fibroids or  endometriosis. We advise that your customers chat with their medical practitioner if they have any health concerns.


Take one capsule a day. This  may be increased to two capsules per day if required. Once the pouch is open consume within 60 days, always reseal pouch and store in a dry environment.

Pfaffia/Suma Powder

In South America suma is known as para toda (which means “for all things”) and as Brazilian ginseng, since it is widely used as an adaptogen with many applications (much as “regular” ginseng). It helps to promote healthy oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels. The plant is anti-inflammatory, enhances the immune system and helps to relieve stress.


Hops contain phytoestrogens and are believed to be effective for calming PMS and menopausal symptoms, including sleep disturbances, fatigue and vaginal dryness. A study carried out in 2020 showed that hops combined with red clover improved menopause symptoms

Black cohosh

Black cohosh gets its name from the colour of its roots and it’s the roots that are used for medicinal and herbal purposes. They are made up of glycosides (sugar compounds, anti-inflammatory substances and phytoestrogens (plant-based oestrogens). It is associated with reducing PMS and menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes and improving sleep quality. It’s also associated with calming polycystic ovaries and uterine fibroids.


Alfalfa is associated with lowering cholesterol levels and may also have benefits for blood sugar management and relieving symptoms of menopause. It acts as a diuretic to reduce bloating and water retention during the hormonal cycle and is rich in antioxidants in nutrients such as vitamin K, copper, folate, and magnesium

Red clover/ Trifolium pratense

This common plant contains a high level of isoflavones which the human body can convert into phytoestrogens. Red clover is associated with calming hot flushes*, improving mood swings, reducing cyclical breast discomfort and tenderness and improving the wellbeing of polycystic ovary sufferers. It may also support the function of the prostate gland in men. The herb is rich in calcium, magnesium, thamine, phosphorus, niacin, potassium and vitamin C.

Schizandra berry

The berry is an adaptogen and offers significant antioxidant benefits. Studies indicate that it helps to balance hormones by improving our ability to deal with stresses – both physical and psychological. Schizandra gives excellent cognitive support and may help to promote healthy liver function.

Reishi Mushroom

Reishi have been used in natural medicine for centuries. They help to boost the immune system, fight depression and promote healthy oestrogen levels. The mushrooms aid the removal of toxins from our body which is especially nurturing for the adrenal glands. Overall, reishi mushrooms have a hormone balancing effect.


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